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Comments (8)

Graham - 28 August 08:35

Sexuel et efficace, brillant apparence. Je vais rendre le reste inoubliable incluant le plus avance gars.

Benscoter - 7 October 20:41

Avec nous, vous pouvez choisir pour toi pute à un selon la couleur de ses cheveux, paramètres, les services et commande putain à Darmstadt.

Klein - 2 March 04:29

i like sex with beautiful girls

Shazier - 4 February 19:28

And I toss that salad like a vegetarian

Federico - 1 August 21:17

Well there's a bunch of info I wouldn't have gotten otherwise.

Farwick - 1 October 20:59

Where did bully pulpit come from?

Lolita - 29 February 21:11

Is there a name for people like me who don't feel physically attracted to others right when we first meet?В I.e. I walk down the street and when looking at someone, I won't feel attracted.В I can recognize beauty, but I justВ don'tВ feelВ attracted to people by beauty alone. В But as I get to know someone over the span of a few minutes (or even months), I realize I really like they're personality and then realize they're hot.В Anyone else out there ever feel like this?

Mignon - 18 July 12:04

sex on cold concrete next to a huge fan blade?