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Comments (6)

Lloyd - 13 August 15:40

Attrayant et chaud, mignon apparence. Je vais creer une atmosphere paradisiaque meme pour le plus gros gars.

Expose - 6 February 10:53

Tirésias Gr. Teiresias était un devin thébain, fils d' Evérès , descendant des "hommes semés" par Cadmos , et de la nymphe Chariclo , compagne favorite d' Athéna ; La déesse lui permettait de monter sur son char et les deux femmes aimaient volontiers se baigner nues dans la source Hippocrène du mont Hélicon.

Allyn - 28 May 14:45

I love fat bbw indian maids. This one is a real bbw queen. even though she is ugly, i love her. Would love to lick all her holes.

Wilison - 25 June 02:47

He's sooo good in fingering but fucking not bad he made my kinda horny

Edmundo - 16 January 11:09

Yo down, local dudes!!! Please can you shave off your man hairs down there, its damn ugly and looks like a big, crazy spider trying to get into that woman's ass, bro!!! I don't keep my man hairs,i have shaved them off for years now, its much cleaner and healthier plus the sex and blowjobs will be much better, man!!!

Admin - 3 June 06:07

проблядь конченая

Beseke - 19 March 14:22

No, he is a low ranking member of society who is probably sexually frustrated and socially awkward(based on his channel). The problem in society is both that we don't thoroughly teach people to think for themselves. And that we don't allow people who have similar feelings as Mark to express their feelings with less terrible ideas. Example: Although men hope for sex a lot of times when it seems unreasonable, they accept rejection easily. While it is still taboo for men and women to split the bill